Page 31 - Hafen Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 2.2023
P. 31

 Evening mood over the Finnish port of Hamina Kotka.
The countries of the Baltic region have remained sig- nificant trading partners of the Port of Hamburg – and are growing increasingly important. Germany’s largest universal port currently offers an average of
around 35 weekly feeder and short-sea services into the Baltic region, assuming a leading role as transit hub in seaborne foreign trade with countries bor- dering the Baltic.
Last year Poland took fourth place – 2021: seventh, followed by Sweden – fifth for the third year running and Finland – 2022: sixth, 2021: 13th, 2020: 12th. Growth with Poland was especially strong: at 237,000 TEU, throughput was 24.3 percent up on 2021. Con- tainer traffic with Finland developed similarly well, with a 22 percent increase to around 213,000 TEU.
Their trading relations with Russia meant that its as- sault on the Ukraine posed some challenges for countries on the Baltic, Poland, for instance. “Within a very brief period, existing transport corridors be- came less significant, and stabilization of the Euro- pean economy depended on the reaction from logis- tics companies and the taking into service of new corridors,” reports Krzysztof Kamiński, CEO Of Ham- burg-based PKP Cargo Connect.
Until 2022, the internationally operating logistics pro- vider and the German company in PKP CARGO Group mainly looked after intermodal shipments via the New Silk Road. “Owing to the immense changes on the market, the company has partly changed its busi- ness profile. It is now responsible for delivering over 200,000 tons of energy raw materials to Poland via German ports,” explained Kamiński, adding that: “For wheat and wheat derivatives from Poland, we have backed shipments to German ports and pro- cessing facilities. Specialized wheat cars have ena- bled us to transport over 40,000 tons of wheat prod- ucts to terminals in Hamburg, Drentwede and Brake.”
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